28 November 2009

Kegiatan november - Desember

Bulan ini adalah bulan terberat dan tersibuk buat saya, sejak kabar mengejutkan dari dokter tentang penyakit yang diidap bunda, kanker serviks stadium 3b; dan sekarang kami sibuk bolak-balik Cirebon - Cibubur - RSCM.
Minggu besok, kegiatannya lebih ringan kami tinggal dtg ke bagian radiotheraphy untuk melakukan penyinaran luar yg selesai jam 7 pagi. Dan 1x seminggu dilakukan kemoterapi setelah sebelumnya dilakukan pemeriksaan darah.
Kegiatan blogging menjadi hal yang exclusive saat ini. itulah sebabnya postingan saya makin terbatas akhir-akhir ini.
Semoga semuanya cepat kembali normal dengan membaiknya kesehatan bunda, amin..
Baca selengkapnya di Kegiatan november - Desember

21 November 2009

Koleksi Warkop DKI versi Radio dan tape [mp3]

Kalau liat filmnya warkop DKI gw yakin semua udah tahu, tapi kalau lawakan versi mp3 yang berasal dari radio dan tape sejak jaman Warkop plus Nanu di Prambors.
Lumayan buat ketawa-ketiwi sendiri :)

Semua hostingan IDWS.




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Baca selengkapnya di Koleksi Warkop DKI versi Radio dan tape [mp3]

20 November 2009


Bahan belajar buat anak-anak IPA dalam menghadapi ujian, silahkan dipelajari dengan khidmat sambil muterin lagu Hymne guru sebagai pengiringnya biar nambah sip :)

15 November 2009

ENCARTA 2009 full lokal download [IIX]

Ini adalah software edukatif yang bahkan orang pemalas pun akan suka. Software ini menyediakan banyak--sangat banyak artikle mengenai banyak topik. Ibaratnya, lu punya internet offline. Software ini bisa membantu elu mengerjakan riset dan pe-er. Mau cari colombus? mau cari soekarno? mau cari sejarah agama dsb dsb? semuanya ada. Lubisa memilih kategori yang lu cari berupa gambar, artikle, audio, ato video. Saking bagusnya, kalian bisa mengerjakan PR tanpa harus online ke internet untuk cari artikle. kalian bisa mengandalkan dari sini.

Fitur fitur yang ada di dalam software ini:
-tour 3D. Ini nih yang paling asik. Lu bisa jalan jalan di situs kuno di dunia seperti maen game 3D. Bisa jalan ke kiri ke kanan, masuk sini masuk sana. Yang kalian liat di situs kuno itu, sama dengan apa yang orang liat di situs sebenarnya.
-Tour 2D. Ini juga asik. Emang di tur ini kalian ngga bisa jalan jalan. Tapi kalian bisa melihat sekeliling 360 derajat. Dan kalian bernavigasi dengan cara memasuki hotspot2 tertentu.
-time line. Kalian bisa mengetahui sejarah event tertentu menurut rentang waktu.
-games. ini games kecerdasarn yang asik dan bikin nagih.
-encarta kids. bisa bantu adek dan keponakan untuk belajar sambil having fun. orang dewasa juga bisa belajar di sini.
-kamus dan penerjemah. Di sini kalian bisa dapet kamus inggris beserta penjelasan lengkap tentang kata yang kalian cari. Dan kalian juga bisa belajar pronunciation karna di sini bisa denger orang bule mengucapkan katanya.
-penerjemah antar bahasa inggris-jerman-prancis. bisa menerjemahkan kata antar bahasa tersebut.
-pokoknya kalian yang belum pernah tau software ini bakal menyukai software ini. Dijamin.

To use the Microsoft Encarta Premium 2009 multimedia encyclopedia, you need: Windows XP operating system with Service Pack 2 (SP2). 256 megabytes (MB) of RAM (512 MB or more recommended). 1.6 gigabytes (GB) of available hard disk space. DVD-ROM drive.

5 LINKS @ 600mb
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Adobe InDesign CS4 Full Installer

InDesign CS4 system requirements are:

XP with Service Packs 2 or 3; Vista Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise with Service Pack 1.
1.5 GHz or faster microprocessor.
512 MB RAM (1 GB recommended).
1.8 GB hard drive space.
1024x768 display.
QuickTime 7.

Pros: New Suite-wide common interface, export to Flash format, great links tracking, smart guides and smart align, conditional text, live preflight, enhanced tables, smart text reflow (that adds or deletes pages), and new IDML format.

Cons: Limited Flash authoring, no video or animation playback in exported SWF files, some issues when combining transparency with interactivity. New interface may rattle some people at first.

Rating: 90

InDesign CS4 is the sixth version Adobe has released since the application was born about ten years. That equals a new version of InDesign every 20 months on average, an aggressive update schedule that's hard for many users to maintain. To upgrade or not becomes a complicated decision based on your finances, the type of projects you create, and the technology you have in place.

Depending on your mix of variables, InDesign CS4 itself may not convince you that it’s time to shell out more cash to Adobe. But in context with the other Creative Suite applications, InDesign CS4 is certainly worth serious consideration. And if you spend a lot of time on longer documents or interactive documents, InDesign CS4 is also worth a look even if you don't use other applications in the suite.

But look only if you’ve got pretty powerful hardware. CS4 requires a PowerPC G5 or multi-core Intel processor Mac -- it won’t install on a G4 Mac. On Windows, you’ll need a minimum 1.5GHz or faster processor running XP (with Service Pack 2) or Vista (Home Premium or better).

Upgrades for InDesign only are $199. There are the usual package prices for various Creative Suite collections, and that's the best option if you use more than one suite application.

The Suite Spot
Over the past several years, Adobe has been pulled in directions that lead away from the graphic arts. Many of us worried that changing priorities might lead to some stagnation and misdirection at Adobe. Plus, not all companies can handle big mergers; in this case with Macromedia.

This is really the first version of the Creative Suite that was planned from the start with the combined talent and resources of both Adobe and Macromedia. The teamwork shows in the final results: The products feel much more integrated, and it’s getting easier to see the cross-media vision Adobe has been articulating for quite a while (but was previously unable to deliver on).

With InDesign CS4, this strategy is most obvious in the new interactive-design capabilities. Lots of folks out there have been creating rich-media PDF files in InDesign, thanks to its hyperlink, button, and rollover features. But in this version Adobe adds quite a bit more.

Interactive Design Features
I think many designers have a serious fear of Flash, worried that they’ll be forced to learn code and to look at design through the lens of text commands. With the new ability to export InDesign files as SWF (the playable Flash file format), creating a simple interactive Flash file is now much easier for those of us who aren't coders.

These Flash files can be used directly as presentations, but more interesting to me is the role that SWF might play in client review and approval. SWF files are very compact and nearly everyone has a Flash player, so SWF could quickly replace PDF in many settings.

Just don’t mistake an exported SWF InDesign file with a full-blown Flash file (which is in the FLA file format). When you export a SWF file from InDesign you essentially get a compressed Flash movie with an HTML wrapper. So you can’t include exported video or animation, and if you use transparency over an interactive element, when the transparency is rasterized, you lose the interactivity. Some design restrictions definitely apply.

Fortunately, you can now also export your InDesign documents in the new XFL interchange file format and then open them in Flash. All the design and text remains intact and fully editable. However, you’ll lose much of the interactivity in the transition and will have to add that back in, along with any video playback and animation.

Figure 1. These two dialog boxes show the choices now available for setting up a new interactive document (left), and for exporting InDesign files to SWF format (right). Print files or documents set up to print specs can be output in SWF, or you can set up the original document to screen dimensions right from the start by choosing from among common screen resolutions. The SWF file output by InDesign is essentially a Flash movie, so there are some limits to what can be contained in the file (no video or animation playback, for example). But you can also save InDesign files in a new interchange format and fully open and edit them in Flash, where you can apply more sophisticated Flash features and use them as a foundation for building Flash Web site.

InDesign-to-XFL files will most likely become the foundation for building more complex Flash implementations. Where I think this will be particularly valuable is for those designers who are already using InDesign or Illustrator or even Photoshop to do mock-ups and comps for Web sites. And if you happen to be familiar with both InDesign and Flash, you’ll likely save quite a bit of duplication once you get a handle on the limits of XFL.

Here are some of the new interactive design features in InDesign CS4:

Page Transitions. The new Page Transitions panel presents a list of the standard transitions you once had to create in Acrobat Professional: wipes, curls, dissolves, fades, and more, with a variety of customizable options for each. You can apply transitions to individual spreads or throughout a document.

Figure 2. If you're familiar with Microsoft PowerPoint or Apple Keynote, you've seen page-transition options similar to those in IDCS4. In addition to a variety of standard page fades, blends, wipes and other transitions, you can customize many aspects such as speed, direction, etc. For interactive PDF files, these new page transitions can really liven things up, and previously had to be applied in Acrobat Professional.

Button Panel. There's a large set of pre-designed buttons, complete with special effects, such as gradient feathering and drop shadows. You can also create your own buttons, choose various states, and apply appropriate actions (Go to Next Page, Go to Previous Page, Go to URL, etc.).

Figure 3. Sporting a new Buttons Panel, IDCS4 provides a variety of stock button designs and common button functions, which can be easily applied to interactive layouts. You can also design custom buttons and designate existing elements as buttons as before. Just be careful when using transparency in conjunction with button design, as buttons appearing under transparent object lose their interactivity when rasterized.

Hyperlinks. My favorite new hyperlink feature is the ability to create a hyperlink simply by selecting some copy and adding a URL in the hyperlink field. You can also apply a hyperlink via a pop-up menu that lists previous destinations, link to other internal places in the document, or have a hyperlink launch an email client. The new Hyperlink Panel is also where the Cross Reference feature is accessed (more on that below).

Back to Document Basics
Of course most designers are using and will continue to use InDesign for print documents, not as a Flash-authoring tool. Accordingly, Adobe added several new features and enhanced others to help streamline the sort of classic layout work we know and love.

Most obvious is the new Live Preflight feature. A Preflight Panel accesses a series of dialog boxes where you create, apply, and manage preflight profiles. Profiles can be as simple as a single specification for color space, or include nearly all of the document elements that might affect output (transparency blending space, bleeds, overset text, stroke weight, etc.). Once you define a profile (or apply a saved profile) and turn on Live Preflight, InDesign checks in real-time against the profile and sounds the alert if you violate the document parameters.

Figure 4. The new Live Preflight feature warns of any conflict with the document specifications. In this instance you can see a warning that the text has overset the text box. Unlike earlier pre-flight features, with InDesign CS4, checks happen as you build the document, not at the end as part of some sort of review process.

It’s particularly helpful when you work consistently with a printer, publication, or service provider, or if you're a freelancer on a large project. Simply import and apply a common Preflight Profile and everyone working on that project is assured off consistent output. QuarkXPress has had this ability for a while, and while InDesign doesn’t go nearly as far as QuarkXPress' Job Jackets, Live Preflight is a start in being able to share document specifications up front, as opposed to checking for compliance at the end of the process and going back into the document for repairs.

Figure 5. The Live Preflight function checks against the document profile. These are pretty easy to set up in IDCS4 by simply walking through a series of dialog check boxes that allow you to set up most specifications. Profiles can be based on a simple one-item check or a complex, in-depth look at all of the elements that are likely to affect output. Profiles can be exported and applied to other documents and shared between a service provider and designer (or any other document participants).

Many other features enhance basic document construction and navigation in InDesign CS4:

Conditional Text. This new feature lets you have multiple versions of text that can be turned on or off, depending on the condition. Because you can apply conditional text at the paragraph, word, or character level, you can create a single file in circumstances where before you may have had to create multiple complete versions.

For example, imagine a catalog with two versions: retail and wholesale, each with their own prices and terms. If you make those prices and terms conditional text in one document, you can switch between them depending on which version of the catalog you're outputting. You can turn individual text blocks on or off or change all conditioned text simultaneously.

Customizable Links. Thanks to a much–improved Links Panel, InDesign can now show document links in a compressed tree view, which makes it much easier to manage, find, and sort links. And along with file names, you now see a thumbnail for each link, so when you’re looking for a picture of a fish, you don’t have to know the file name is DCS4567. Click on the thumbnail and you get a larger view along with information about the linked file, and you can navigate directly to the file from the Links Panel. Information displayed in the Links Panel is customizable.

Figure 6. In the new Links Panel, you can see a tree hierarchy of linked items and by clicking on the thumbnail, bring up a dialog box with details of the item color space, size, title, etc. This new panel makes locating files much easier due in large part to the thumbnail image.

Cross-reference. This is a variation of hyperlinks whereby you can create references between text, either to other text within a document, or to text in another document. For example, if several mentions are made throughout a book to a specific caption or table, you can cross-reference these mentions. Should you then move the caption or table to a different page, InDesign warns you and lets you update the references. This is an important feature of long-document production systems (such as Adobe’s own FrameMaker), and when well implemented, it's saves time and improves accuracy.

Smart Text Reflow. Some people will like this feature and others may hate it. It’s now possible to have InDesign automatically add or delete pages and text frames based on text length. So, if a story goes long, InDesign can simply add a page and link the text frame to the previous style. The same goes for when you cut text -- InDesign auto-deletes the blank page or text frame. This feature requires careful planning when setting up master pages, so be advised that smart text reflow may not be as easy as it sounds when you're working on a complex document.

Figure 7. A simple set up now allows InDesign to automatically add or delete new pages to a document when text reflow changes the page count.

Styles. InDesign CS4 added powerful features to styles that help you automate your work. You can now apply character styles on a line-by-line basis within a paragraph. You can also now apply GREP Styles within a Paragraph Style. This can all lead to layers of styles that might conflict, so you should know that manually applied styles take priority, then GREP Styles, then Drop-Cap Style, then Nested Styles, then Line Styles. (Thanks to Tim Cole for clarifying this.)

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Baca selengkapnya di Adobe InDesign CS4 Full Installer

Google Earth Plus² v5 Final with GPS Support + Crack

Google Earth combines satellite imagery, maps and the power of Google Search to put the world’s geographic information at your fingertips. Fly from space to your neighborhood. Type in an address and zoom right in. Search for schools, parks, restaurants, and hotels. Get driving directions. Tilt and rotate the view to see 3D terrain and buildings. Save and share your searches and favorites. Even add your own annotations.

Google Earth lets you do smooth sailing flybyes of the entire Earth. You can easily fly to any spot on the globe, by entering any associated data, like street addresses, place names or lat/long coordinates. There are overlays that put additional information on the map, like roads, international boundaries, terrain, 3Dbuildings , crime statistics, schools, stadiums, any number of interesting stuff. You can do Local searches in the program, with icons on the map and a display on the side showing your results.

You can leave notes, called "placemarks" all over the map, so you can remember where all sorts of places are. Searches and placemarks can be saved as bookmarks in "My Places". Everything can be output in an XML format called KML, that will allow the vast popularity of Google Maps to continue in Earth. You can also email a JPEG of the map, or send a KMZ file if you know the recipient has Earth installed.

- Sophisticated streaming technology delivers the data to you as you need it.
- Imagery and 3D data depict the entire earth - Terabytes of aerial and satellite imagery depict cities around the world in high-resolution detail.
- Local search lets you search for restaurants, hotels, and even driving directions. Results show in your 3D earth view. Easy to layer multiple searches, save results to folders, and share with others.
- Layers show parks, schools, hospitals, airports, retail, and more.
- Overlays – import site plans, design sketches and even scanned blueprints.
- Annotate the view with lines and polygons.
- Spreadsheet import - ingest up to 2,500 locations by address or lat/lon.
- KML – data exchange format let your share useful annotations.

Tips : How to Get 3D Buildings in Google Earth Flight Simulator

1. Enter Flight Simulator mode - Select "Tools->Enter Flight Simulator". Optional: fly to a city which has 3D buildings (tip: San Francisco, Baltimore, Atlanta, Raleigh, Charlotte - these all have lots of 3D buildings). NOTE: - there is a bug in GE 4.3 if you select the "Current View" option in the "Enter Flight Simulator" window, you may end up at an higher altitude than you expect upon starting the flight (much higher). Just fly back down to the city level.
2. Open the Sidebar - Sidebar shortcut - Press 'Ctrl + Alt + B' (or + Option + B' on the Mac) to bring up the sidebar
3. Turn on 3D Buildings - Turn these on in the Layers pane in the lower left after the sidebar opens.
4. Turn Off Sidebar - IMPORTANT - before resuming the flight simulator, turn off the sidebar by hitting the sidebar shortcut from step 2
5. Resume flight - Now you can resume flying the flight simulator by hitting the SPACE key and the 3D buildings should stay on for your current flight.

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Updated: Untuk download film Astroboy dengan kualitas jauh lebih baik silahkan klik disini.

In Theaters:
October 23, 2009
Summit Entertainment
MPAA Rating:
For some action and peril, and brief mild language
Freddie Highmore, Nicolas Cage, Kristen Bell, Nathan Lane, Bill Nighy, Eugene Levy, Matt Lucus, Donald Sutherland
Directed By:
David Bowers
Timothy Harris

Plot Summary
A thrilling tale of a true hero, "Astro Boy" is an all-new, feature film full of action, adventure, humor and heart. It will be brought to life on the big screen in breathtaking CGI animation on October 23rd, 2009.

Set in futuristic Metro City, "Astro Boy" is about a young robot with incredible powers created by a brilliant scientist named Tenma (Nicolas Cage). Powered by positive "blue" energy, Astro Boy (Freddie Highmore) is endowed with super strength, x-ray vision, unbelievable speed and the ability to fly.

Embarking on a journey in search of acceptance, Astro Boy encounters many other colorful characters along the way. Through his adventures, he learns the joys and emotions of being human, and gains the strength to embrace his destiny. Ultimately learning his friends and family are in danger, Astro Boy marshals his awesome super powers and returns to Metro City in a valiant effort to save everything he cares about and to understand what it takes to be a hero.

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Street Fighter IV by RELOADED [idws]

Street Fighter IV brings the legendary fighting series back to its roots by taking the beloved fighting moves and techniques of the original Street Fighter II, and infusing them with Capcomís latest advancements in next generation technology to create a truly extraordinary experience that will re-introduce the world to the time-honored art of virtual martial arts.

Everything that made the legendary Street Fighter II a hit in the arcades, living rooms and dormitories across the globe has been brought back in Street Fighter IV. Players will be able to play their favorite classic characters, such as Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li and Guile, along with new characters, including Crimson Viper, Abel, El Fuerte, and Rufus. Characters and environments are rendered in stylized 3D, while the game is played in the classic Street Fighter 2D perspective with additional 3D camera flourishes. Six-button controls for the game return, with a host of new special moves and features integrated into the gameplay system. Street Fighter IV brings a brand new fighting game to fans the world over.

- 3D environments and characters
- Traditional “2D” Street Fighter six-button gameplay
- Classic Street Fighter characters re-imagined for a new generation of gamers, including the original cast of Street Fighter II
- New brawlers: female super-spy Crimson Viper, lucha libre wrestler El Fuerte, mixed martial artist Abel and more!

Recommended System Requirements:
- OS: Windows XP/Vista
- Processor: Intel Core 2 DUO @ 2 GHz
- Memory: 2 GB
- Hard Drive: 10 GB Free
- Video Memory: 512 MB (nVidia GeForce 8600/ATI Radeon X1900)
- Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
- DirectX: 9.0c or 10
- Keyboard & Mouse
- DVD Rom Drive
- XBOX 360 Controller STRONGLY Recommended



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Ju-on: Shiroi Roujo atau The Grudge - Old Lady in White [2009]

Also known as: Ju-on: Old Lady in White / Ju-on: Shiroi Roujo
Language: Japanese
Subtitle: English (Soft-subbed)
Release Date: 2009
Genre: Horror / Thriller
IMDB RATING: 6.1/10 (9 votes)

At a certain house, a son brutally and methodically murders all five of his family members after failing the bar exam. He then hangs himself, leaving behind a cassette recorder at the scene on which he can be heard saying, “Go… Go now.” in unison with a strange female voice. That voice belongs to a victim of the family massacre, the elementary school best friend of teenager Akane (Minami). When the two were young they wore yellow hats and red satchels to school. Akane, who has a strong sense of the supernatural, soon begins seeing visions of a female ghost wearing a yellow hat and red satchel.

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14 November 2009

Ju-On: Kuroi Shojo (2009)

Plot: A Nurse named Yuko (Kago) has a strange experience while taking care of a girl named Fukie. Test results show a cyst inside Fukie’s body, but that cyst is actually the leftover grudge from a baby who was unable to be born. The cyst’s grudge spreads to Fukie and everyone
around her. Soon Fukie’s father goes mad and commits murder. Fukie’s sister Mariko has special spiritual power, and together with their mother they have some success driving out the evil spirit. But the worst of the grudge is yet to come.

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klik ikon di atas untuk mendownload film dan atau subtitles.
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2012 - CAM


According to the Mayan calendar, in 2012, the planet of the solar system would be in line with each other, leading to global natural disasters: the strongest earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions will make the country and the entire continent in ruins. Recently, scientists have confirmed that this myth could become reality. "2012" - an epic saga about the end of the world, fascinating story of the heroic struggle of humanity for survival.


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@ Hotfile [8 links]

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Soal-soal CPNS

Berikut soal2 cpns yang bisa di download secara gratis.
Masih kurang lengkap sih, sambil jalan sapa tahu saya nemuin lagi pasti bakal saya share ke kawan2 semua.
Semoga lulus tes CPNS dan jadi Pegawai Negeri yang baik.
Mohon doanya juga buat istriku tercinta agar dia bisa lulus sensor, berhubung makin lama makin seret aja ikutan tes ginian..

Daftar isi:
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namun saya sendiri belum mencobanya satu persatu. Semoga membantu..
*selamat mencoba*

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10 November 2009

Ketika Cinta Bertasbih [2009] DVDRIP - 350mb update IDWS link

MEGA FILM KETIKA CINTA BERTASBIH diangkat dari novel mega best seller Asia Tenggara, karya penulis bertangan dingin Habiburrahman El Shirazy. Film yang menceritakan kehidupan tokoh utamanya Khairul Azzam, seorang mahasiswa Indonesia yang sedang menuntut ilmu di Al-Azhar University, Kairo. Cerita yang bisa menjadi inspirasi bagi kita, ketika melihat bagaimana kerja keras sang tokoh yang menuntut ilmu sekaligus berjuang menghidupi ibu dan adik-adiknya di kampung. Cerita yang juga bisa menuntun kita, ketika melihat usaha dan perjuangan Khairul Azzam dalam menemukan jodohnya dengan tetap selalu teguh berpedoman kepada ajaran agama

Setting filmnya sendiri benar-benar disesuaikan dengan gambaran yang ada di novel. Penonton benar-benar akan dimanjakan dengan pemandangan Kota Kairo, Sungai Nil, Pyramid, Sphinx, Kota Alexandria dengan pemandangan laut Mediteraniayang indah, Benteng Qait Bay, dan banyak lagi landscape Mesir yang sangat menarik dalam film ini

Jenis Film :

Produser :
Mitzy Christina, Cindy Christina

Produksi :
Sinemart Pictures

Pemain :
Kholidi Asadil Alam
Oki Setiana Dewi
Alice Norin
Andi Arsyil Rahman
Meyda Safira
Deddy Mizwar
Ninik L. Karim
Didi Petet
Habiburrahman El Shirazy
Aspar Paturusi
Prof.dr. Din Syamsudin
Slamet Rahardjo
El Manik
Tika Putri

Sutradara :
Chaerul Umam

Penulis :
Imam Tantowi

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1 CPU untuk 5 monitor bagi yg usaha warnet hemat daya/hemat dana tentunya....!

berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi, setelah 2 tahun buka warnet baru bulan kemaren make utility ini, dengan software ini qita bisa memanfaatkan 1 cpu yg di pasangi 5 monitor atau lebih yg diperuntukkan buat klient.
sopwer ini tidak membuat qta harus menginstall banyak os dalam 1 cpu, cuma memperbanyak jumlah user, jadi yg alat yg dibutuhkan cuma vga card extended, mouse usb+keyboard USB,.... danmonitor tentunya...
silahkan dicoba, manualnya lengkap ada didalamnya (full bukan trial)...
yang mau nanya SS silahkan download dulu, tar didalamnya lengkap manual sama cara install ama cracknya...lumayan bro ketimbang beli 5 klient lengkap cpu, lebih hemat pake utility ini....

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Tulisan di atas diangkat oleh bung namsadin.
cukup menggiurkan juga apa yang ditawarkan program ini terutama bagi yang mau usaha warnet atau rental komputer.
Btw, buat gw pribadi (dan warnet gw) program ini kurang memenuhi standar.
dikarenakan beberapa hal sebagai berikut;
  1. Untuk pemakai Win XP, jika terjadi Hang maka semua (host + client) harus restart. Makanya oleh penulis disarankan menggunakan Windows 7.
  2. Client DILARANG MENGGUNAKAN aplikasi yang berat2, seperti game online yang membutuhkan spek lumayan tinggi, atau aplikasi2 editing grafis yang terbaru. memang untuk hal ini ada solusinya yaitu UPGRADE HOST dengan spek HIGH END..!!
  3. Bayangkan panasnya host yang menyala minimal 12 jam perhari, sedangkan warnet gw host nyala 24 jam sehari 7 hari seminggu, kecuali mati lampu, ada kerusakan dan atau restart. Otomatis kita lebih rentan mengalami kerusakan hardware..
  4. Pengalaman gw mengajarkan, selalu ada trouble yang tak terduga nah jika trouble terjadi dan kita harus melakukan perbaikan, maka selama perbaikan tersebut kita harus menutup usaha kita sampai selesainya perbaikan.
Itu semua cuman beberapa alasan gw gak make ni program, buat kawan-kawan yang mau mencoba silahkan download aja dan bagi pengalaman kawan di sini.. :)
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Autodesk 3ds Max 2009 @ indowebster

Create stunning 3D models in less time with Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2010 software. This full-featured 3D modeling, animation, and rendering solution is used to produce top-selling games and award-winning film and video content. It’s the tool of choice for quickly generating realistic characters, seamless CG effects, jaw-dropping games, or top-quality film and television content. Enhanced toolsets let you create your 3D environment the way you want, manage complex scenes, and take advantage of improved software interoperability and pipeline-integration support.

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WinZip PRO 14.0 Build 8652 - Silent Install (Pre-Cracked)

What's New in WinZip 14 ?
Microsoft Windows 7 is here, and WinZip 14 is ready for it. We’re taking advantage of Windows 7’s key features, and we’ve streamlined and improved many of our dialogs and operations to make WinZip easier to use and better than ever. We’ve enhanced security too, by automatically wiping any files that were temporarily extracted from your encrypted Zip files.

Windows 7 support
Windows 7 includes many significant enhancements that simplify working with documents, folders, and programs. WinZip 14 takes full advantage of these new features to make working with your Zip files effortless:

WinZip 14 provides support for Windows 7 libraries. Libraries group together folders with a common theme regardless of where the folders reside. For instance, the Windows 7 Pictures library groups all your separate folders that contain pictures in one convenient place. WinZip allows you to create and open Zip files in these convenient, themed libraries, add files from libraries to a Zip file, and extract to libraries. This makes many activities much easier. For example, you can zip all of your pictures, no matter where they are, by simply selecting the Pictures library.

With the WinZip Job Wizard, you can automate zipping of your libraries using jobs that you create or jobs that are provided with WinZip 14. Windows 7 also lets you define your own libraries, and you can take advantage of those with WinZip. For example, you might create a “Backup” library containing a collection of folders with content that you frequently back up in Zip files. Or you might create an “Archive” library that contains a collection of folders in which you have stored Zip files.

Jump Lists
Windows 7 provides easy access to your documents and programs with taskbar icon jump lists. Pin the WinZip 14 icon to your taskbar for quick and easy access to frequently used zipfeatures, recently used Zip files , and your favorite WinZip jobs. WinZip 14 even supports the new taskbar progress meter, which lets you keep an eye on the progress of extensive zip operations right on the taskbar while you work.

Explorer Preview
With a simple click in Windows 7 Explorer you can activate a preview pane, allowing you to view the contents of certain file types. WinZip 14 addsZip files to the list of supported files, so you simply select a Zip file in Explorer and the preview pane shows what’s inside your Zip file. See a file in your Zip file that you want to view? Double-click it in the preview pane and your file is extracted and opened. Plus, if you use Outlook 2007, you can now use its preview pane to see the contents of zipped attachments and open files inside an attached Zip file.

Touch Screens
WinZip 14 fully supports gestures—simple finger movements—on your touch screen PC. Using gestures, you can easily scroll through the contents of yourZip files . And using Windows 7’s new multi-touch (two finger) gestures, you can even pan, zoom, and rotate your images in WinZip Pro's built-in Image Viewer without touching your keyboard or mouse!

Common Dialogs and Task Dialogs
Many WinZip dialogs, including the New, Open, Add, and Extract dialogs, have been updated to use the Windows 7 style and to provide new filtering and organizational support for finding your files and archives. New task dialogs provide clear and easy-to-follow instructions throughout WinZip 14.

A key reason why many users purchase WinZip is its powerful, easy-to-use AES encryption. WinZip 14 introduces automatic wiping, which helps you to keep your confidential information confidential. To open an encrypted file, WinZip must create a temporary copy of the file on your disk. This temporary copy is deleted when you close the file, but, before doing so, WinZip 14 “wipes” (or “shreds”) it using the U.S. Department of Defense standard (DoD 5220.22-M). This prevents temporarily extracted copies of encrypted files from being recovered. It is safe and simple and secure.

In addition, WinZip 14 recognizes Intel-based computers with built-in AES encryption and uses the available hardware support to make encryption operations two to three times faster.

Zipping Simplicity
WinZip has always been focused on making compression and encryption as easy as possible. Most operations can be accessed directly with a right click in Windows Explorer. Inside WinZip 14, the following updateddialogs for Windows 7 and Vista users provide even more power and simplicity:

In the Add dialog you can use the new Organize and Views features to help you find the files, folders, and libraries you want to add to your Zip file. With a few clicks, you can elect to add only specific types of files, such as documents or spreadsheets. You can create your own custom filter to control which files are added and modify other options for how they are added as well.

As in the Add dialog, the Organize and Views features in the Extract dialog allow you to easily navigate and find the libraries or folders to which you want to extract the content of your Zip files. Just pick a folder or library and click Extract; it’s as simple as that.

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Norton AntiVirus dan Internet Security 2010 + Crack dan Tutorial

cara nginstal:
ini dilakukan dalam rangka SUPAYA saat dan sesudah penginstalan si norton enggak memperbarui dirinya secara otomatis ke internet.
krn akan membahayakan TrialReset (crack) yg udah berhasil diinstal.

1. uninstal antivirus lainnya

2. matikan koneksi internet

3. instal, hilangkan checkbox pada ajakan bergabung pada norton watch community

4. tunggu sampai proses instal selesai

5. tunggu "connecting to symantec server" tunggu mpe gak berhasil konek.
(ini alesan mengapa td dimatiin dulu internetnya)

6. masuk ke settings, hilangkan checkbox "norton product tamper protection" di menu misc settings
DAN JUGA hilangkan checkbox "automatic updates" di menu computer settings.

7. pada konfirmasi security request, klik permanently

8. instal TRIAL RESET sesuai petunjuk.

9. selesai.

DOWNLOAD Norton Anti Virus 2010
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DOWNLOAD Norton Internet Security 2010
download dari IDWS serverDOWNLOAD TRIAL RESET (CRACK) v2.5
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Norton Trial Reset versi 2.5 [ Crack buat NAV & NIS 2010 ]
New Featured
- Respawn Button Omitted
- 165 days subscription
- The New Way to Renew Subscription


Kelebihan/kekurangan NTR 2.5
1. Subscription ditambah menjadi 165 hari (+)
2. Cara memperbarui subscription berbeda dengan versi 2.0 sehingga komputer kita sudah masuk "whitelist" (Lihat Gambar adanya "Subscription Status" dibawah "Help & Support") (+)
3. Tombol "Respawn" dihilangkan. Hal jelek dalam mereset subscription adalah harus instal ulang NTR nya dari awal. (-)

Cara penginstalan NTR 2.5 (khusus untuk ONLINE, yang offline lakukan langkah 1 saja)
1. Masuk ke Safe Mode, instal NTR seperti biasa kemudian restart
2. Sambungkan kembali internet dan matikan "Smart Firewall" buat "Permanently"

3. Buka kembali Norton dan klik "Norton Account" dan nanti terlihat tampilan "This task requires that you have an internet connection."
4. Klik tombol "Remind Me Later" dibawah tombol "Retry"

5. Ada tampilan "165 days of protection" kemudian klik "Done"
6. Di menu "Help & Support", kamu lihat ada "Subscription Status". Jika tidak, kondisinya "SALAH", ulangi langkah 1, uninstal dan instal kembali NTRnya
7. Klik "Subscription Status" dan ada tampilan tertulis "You have 165 days of subscription remaining" yang berarti Norton masuk "whitelist" lalu klik "Finish"
8. Klik "Fix Now" dan restart jika dibutuhkan

9. Konfigurasikan Norton lewat setting kemudian jalankan "Live Update sampai Selesai"
10.Untuk mengecek subscription dan masuk whitelist klik "Status subscription". Untuk mereset subscription uninstal dan instal kembali NTRnya.

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