Plot: A Nurse named Yuko (Kago) has a strange experience while taking care of a girl named Fukie. Test results show a cyst inside Fukie’s body, but that cyst is actually the leftover grudge from a baby who was unable to be born. The cyst’s grudge spreads to Fukie and everyone
around her. Soon Fukie’s father goes mad and commits murder. Fukie’s sister Mariko has special spiritual power, and together with their mother they have some success driving out the evil spirit. But the worst of the grudge is yet to come.
around her. Soon Fukie’s father goes mad and commits murder. Fukie’s sister Mariko has special spiritual power, and together with their mother they have some success driving out the evil spirit. But the worst of the grudge is yet to come.

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Pengen Ju-on 4 donk boz, plus subtitle indonesia ya?
ama Film2 Horor thailand.
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Email-1: andik00djblack@gmail.com
Email-2: blacky.xfiresale@gmail.com
YM: andikdjblack@yahoo.com
-=*Download Maniac*=-
prasaan sih JUON 4 ya ini sama yg The Grudge: Old Lady in White (Ju-On: Shiroi Roujo).
Indonesian subtitles lom ada bos.
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